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PONS IP receives the update of its ISO/IEC 27001:2013 CERTIFICATION for its Information Security Management
PONS IP receives the update of its ISO/IEC 27001:2013 CERTIFICATION for its Information Security Management

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PONS IP, a global consulting firm specialised in Industrial and Intellectual Property, received at its Madrid headquarters the update of the ISO 27001 Information Security Management Systems certification. This certification attests that the PONS IP S.A. legal entity reinforces the protection of the data of both its clients and of all the information generated during the phases of providing its industrial and intellectual property consulting services, thus having a comprehensive information security management system that guarantees the confidentiality, integrity and security of company information.

For yet another year, Bureau Veritas endorses PONS IP’s firm commitment to data protection, a strategic asset for companies that increasingly depend on information technology (IT) to manage their business processes. Since 2021, the ISO 27001 standard, which is the international standard that establishes the requirements and good practices of Information Security Management Systems, makes it possible for the global company specialised in Industrial and Intellectual Property to consolidate the security of all its data by applying risk assessment processes, as well as the appropriate controls, to the organisation in order to preserve the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information assets with the necessary technical, organisational and legal measures to minimise cybersecurity risks.

By protecting client information and data, PONS IP reduces the risk of breach of information security, thus increasing the reputation of its activity with clients, regulatory bodies and stakeholders. Thanks to this certification, which PONS renews for the second consecutive year this year, the consulting firm is positioned as one of the leading companies in Spain in terms of commitment to the integrity of the information with which it provides its services. With 949 certifications in Spain according to ISO Survey 2021, our country already occupies a prominent position worldwide, being 12th overall in terms of the volume of certifications, and rising to the seventh position in the world with 3,483 work centres covered by the ISO 27001 certification. Spain is, therefore, one of the countries where the certification in accordance with the ISO 27001 standard is used the most as a guarantee of proper information security management.

The award ceremony was attended by a high-profile representation of the PONS team responsible for the certification, with Patricia Ramos, Deputy Director of the consulting firm, together with Alicia Salinas Head of PONS IP Quality and Transformation, who received the certificate from Pedro Gonzalez Director of Sustainability and Corporate Risk at Bureau Veritas, and Alberto Benavente, Head of Business Development at Bureau Veritas.

According to PONS IP Quality Manager, Alicia Salinas, having a comprehensive structured information security policy due to the processes implemented in the ISO/27001 standard “is helping us to identify and reduce information security risks more effectively and to implement the appropriate controls, which is resulting in greater trust from our clients in PONS IP services”.

For his part, Pedro González from Bureau Veritas, highlighted that “the accredited ISO 27001 certification provides an effective tool that helps PONS to minimise information security risks, anticipate the future and ultimately convey confidence to its clients and stakeholders”.

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