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PONS Foundation launches its scholarship programme for the 2023-2024 academic year
PONS Foundation launches its scholarship programme for the 2023-2024 academic year

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Like every year for the past 17 years, PONS Foundation directs all its efforts to raising awareness of the importance of social progress in business innovation, R&D&I research, road safety awareness and the defence of Industrial and Intellectual Property, and it opens the scholarship period for the next academic year.

Thus, the Foundation establishes different types of scholarships to undertake studies at the PONS Business School. The aim? To ensure that no one is left behind, that the best student transcripts are rewarded and that the culture of talent is promoted. These awards are the PONS Foundation Scholarships for the active Master’s degree in Industrial and Intellectual Property, Competition and New Technologies; and for the Master’s degree in Representation and Management of Artists and Athletes.

PONS Foundation Scholarships are awarded annually and information about them can now be requested. They offer financing for studies at the PONS School.

The main objective of the two scholarships available for the Master’s degree in Industrial and Intellectual Property, Competition and New Technologies is to honour and keep the memory of Professor Carlos Fernández-Nóvoa alive and defend his intellectual legacy. The scholarships also reward the best student transcript, giving students the opportunity to become experts in Industrial and Intellectual Property.

For the Master’s degree in Representation and Management of Artists and Athletes, the scholarship of excellence aims to promote the training required to manage the representation of artists and athletes, and it also rewards the best student transcript so that the recipient can become a leading specialised expert, a 360 representative.

Apply now for your scholarship! The application submission period starts 1 February and ends 31 May 2023. On 14 June 2023, the Selection Committee will announce the recipients who will benefit from the PONS Foundation Scholarships.

See the terms, and if you have any questions, please write us by email:

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