Legal Notice and Terms and Conditions of Use
Information about the owner of the website
In accordance with the provisions of Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July 2002 on information society services and electronic commerce, the following information is provided:
Address: Glorieta Rubén Darío, 4. 28010, Madrid.
Tax ID (N.I.F.): B84921709
Registration in the Commercial Registry of Madrid, Volume 23494, Section 8 of the Book of Companies, Folio 191, Page M-421468, Entry 1.
Contact: (+34) 917007600 |
Terms and Conditions of Use of the website
These Terms and Conditions of Use regulate the access, browsing and use of the website «» (hereinafter, “the website”), as well as the responsibilities derived from the use of its contents (understanding “contents” to mean texts, graphics, drawings, designs, codes, software, photographs, music, videos, sounds, databases, images, expressions and information, as well as any other creation protected by national laws and international treaties on intellectual property).
“User” means the person who accesses, browses, or uses the services and activities, whether free of charge or for a fee, conducted out on the website.
It is understood that access to or simply using the website by the User implies their acceptance of these Terms and Conditions published from time to time. The User is therefore invited to read these Terms and Conditions carefully from time to time.
These Terms and Conditions of Use are not intended to regulate any contractual aspects relating to the provision by PONS Patentes y Marcas Internacional of its specific services, and are limited to being the legal framework for use and access to the website.
PONS may establish Special Terms and Conditions that regulate the use and/or contracting of specific services offered to Users through the website. Before using and/or contracting said specific services provided by PONS, the User must carefully read the relevant Specific Conditions.
Access to the website by Users is free and at no cost.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, it should be noted that the use or provision of some services offered by PONS Patentes y Marcas Internacional may be subject to prior contracting, which shall be governed by the relevant Specific Terms and Conditions, which must be signed and accepted by the User. In any case, the provision of legal advice and assistance services shall be governed by what has been agreed in each case with the client.
The User is responsible for accessing, browsing, and using the website, and therefore undertakes to diligently observe any additional instructions given by PONS Patentes y Marcas Internacional regarding the use of the website and its contents.
In particular, the User shall refrain from:
- Using the contents included on the website for purposes or effects contrary to law, morality and generally accepted good customs or public order;
- Reproducing or copying, distributing, allowing public access through any form of public communication, transforming or modifying the contents, unless authorised by the owner of the relevant rights or if legally permitted to do so;
- Using the contents and, in particular, the information obtained through the website for advertising purposes.
- Providing any personal information about themselves or in connection with the use of and access to the website that is untrue or has been unlawfully obtained.
PONS Patentes y Marcas Internacional is the owner of all intellectual property rights over the website, including the domain name and all content available through the site. Under no circumstances shall it be understood that by simply accessing or browsing the website by the User implies any type of transmission, licence or full or partial transfer of said rights by PONS Patentes y Marcas Internacional in favour of the user, nor that the User is authorised to use or exploit said rights publicly.
Removal or manipulation of the copyright notice and any other data identifying or acknowledging exclusive ownership of PONS Patentes y Marcas Internacional’s rights in relation to the website or the protected content found therein is strictly prohibited.
Likewise, it is strictly prohibited to reproduce, distribute, publicly communicate, reuse, extract, send by post, modify or in any way publicly use all or part of the content included on the website.
In the event that, when accessing or using the website, the User sends or transmits to PONS Patentes y Marcas Internacional, any type of content protected by an intellectual property right, the User undertakes to previously acquire all and any authorisations, licences or rights of use that may be necessary to guarantee PONS Patentes y Marcas Internacional a legitimate use of said content.
PONS Patentes y Marcas Internacional manages the website diligently and, therefore, strives at all times to maintain complete and accurate information on all the services it offers, updating it at all times. However, there may be occasional discrepancies between the information provided on this website and the reality of the contractual service actually provided. For this reason, the User is invited to regularly visit the website and to confirm the potential provision of the contractual service offered by PONS Patentes y Marcas Internacional, which shall be provided, in all cases, in accordance with the Specific Terms and Conditions contracted.
PONS Patentes y Marcas Internacional has at all times adopted the appropriate measures, in accordance with the state of the art known at all times, to ensure the correct functioning of the website and to prevent the existence of viruses or software that could harm Users.
However, computer security is not infallible and is exposed to certain risks as a result of the inevitable activity carried out by hackers and virus or malware programmers. Therefore, although PONS Patentes y Marcas Internacional makes every effort to avoid this type of software, and updates its IT and system security at all times, PONS Patentes y Marcas Internacional cannot guarantee, nor can it be held liable for any damages suffered by the User as a result of:
- Failures or interruptions of the website service;
- Viruses or software or any elements designed for cyber-attack or infiltration of the User’s computer systems that may have been inadvertently installed in them, thanks to or as a result of access to the website by the User;
- The possible vulnerability of the website and of the security measures adopted therein;
On the website, the User may find links to other websites managed by third parties. PONS Patentes y Marcas Internacional does not have the power to control all the information or content provided by other websites, and therefore cannot assume any type of liability for the quality and reliability of said information or content, or for the truthfulness or suitability of the content offered.
Any type of link established by the website to another external website does not imply that there is any type of relationship, collaboration, or dependence between PONS Patentes y Marcas Internacional and the party responsible for said website.
Pons Patentes y Marcas Internacional may modify these Terms and Conditions, in whole or in part, by posting any changes in the same form in which these general terms and conditions are published. Likewise, PONS Patentes y Marcas Internacional may terminate, suspend, or interrupt, at any time and without prior notice, access to the contents of the website, without the User being able to claim any compensation whatsoever.
In the event that any of the provisions in these Terms and Conditions are declared null and void, this shall not affect other provisions that are not affected by such provision(s).
Spanish Law governs these Terms and Conditions, without prejudice to the application of any other regulation dictated by the relevant authority. Any discrepancy between the User and PONS Patentes y Marcas Internacional regarding the validity and effect of any provision contained in these Terms and Conditions shall be resolved in court, in accordance with the jurisdiction rules established in the applicable regulations.
Last modified in November 2021.

Premios y Reconocimientos