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Automated industry that breaks down barriers: PONS IP’s new European project
Automated industry that breaks down barriers: PONS IP’s new European project

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PONS IP, the leading national consultancy firm in intellectual property, is participating in the EU-funded project Mari4_YARD. Running until the end of 2024, this EU-funded project through the Horizon 2020 framework aims to make the most of the Internet of Things (IoT), mobile and ubiquitous ICT tools and robotics to develop user-centric solutions for flexible and modular manufacturing.

In this sense, Mari4_YARD aims to achieve the implementation of a novel connected shipyard that allows, through a modular and flexible solution, to improve the execution of key labour-intensive tasks while preserving the knowledge, skills and biomechanical health status of the specific workers in the sector.

This European project targets workers, to whom it proposes a portfolio of solutions based on other novel collaborative robotics and ubiquitous portable solutions. Thus, the project assumes a two-pronged strategy, the first being technology-driven and the second barrier-driven.

In this context, PONS IP participates in the European Mari4_YARD project, collaborating with the AIMEN technology centre, coordinators of the project, in activities such as the preparation of technology watch reports or the results exploitation plan, among others, in the field of collaborative robotics.

Isabel Marco, head of Innovation projects in the Technological Innovation Consultancy Area of PONS IP, evaluates what is “the seventh R&D project funded by the European Commission in which PONS IP is currently working, which consolidates this activity as one of the most strategic of our consultancy at the moment.”

Coordinated by AIMEN Technology Centre, the European consortium includes up to 18 public and private reference entities in the sector, such as Balance Technology Consulting, Brodosplit, Canonical Robots, Center of Maritime Technologies (CMTZ), DeepBlue Consulting&Research, EWF, Gizelis Robotics, Ghenova, INESCTEC, IUVIO, Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems (LMS), Netherlands Maritime Technology, Nodosa Group, Sant’Anna Scuola Universitaria Superiore di Pisa, Transition Technologies, TUHH Technische Universitat Hamburg and the Marine University Association (WEGEMT).

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