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Helping to protect your IP rights during Mobile World Congress
Helping to protect your IP rights during Mobile World Congress
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Mobile World Congress (MWC) is the world’s largest gathering for the mobile industry, which is held every year in Barcelona (Spain). More than 110.000 attendees visit the MWC every year, where around 2.300 exhibitors exhibit their mobile and telecommunication breakthrough’s. The MWC is a world event where the companies show their latest advances.

PONS IP offers a protection 360º to its clients before, during and after the MWC. Our team gives the best support to our clients to protect their IP rights and not to infringe third parties IP rights.

In order to protect the IP rights of attendees the Commercial Courts of Barcelona has approved a special Protocol to grant preferential and special treatment to the urgent preliminary injunction claims that may be filed regarding the MWC.

The Commercial Courts of Barcelona has committed to the following:

a. To give a preferential treatment to preliminary injunction actions, with or without hearing the defendant, that are referred to an infringement of IP rights (Patent, Trademarks and/or Designs), unfair competition and advertisement, in connection with the goods launched during the MWC; 

b. To issue a decision on precautionary injunction actions in audita parte within a two-day term from its filing; and ten days if there is a hearing or opposition of the defendant. 

c. The companies that suspect that could be object of a preliminary measure request with no hearing, have the possibility to file preventive writes, giving its allegations why a potential preliminary measure should be denied and showing its availability to appear before the Court.

The report from the Commercial Court of Barcelona regarding the MWC 2017 event ends with the following results: 

-    12 preventive writes have been filed in Patent matters.

-    Only 1 preliminary verification facts against five companies in Patent matters, which has been solved in 24 hours.

-    7 precautionary injunctions have been filed in audita parte, that have been solved in 24 hours (4 were estimated and 3 dismissed).
-    1 opposition against a precautionary measure in audita parte.  

Our services cover: 

-    Legal on-going assistance. 

-    Collect information and evidences of our clients IP rights and potential infringements. 

-    Draft warning letters before, during and after the MWC. 

-    Negotiations intended to allow our client’s assistance to MWC. 

-    Notarization of evidences at the MWC. 

-    On-site assistance to our clients. 

For further information regarding our legal assistance please contact José Carlos Erdozain at PONS IP:

by email – jcarlos.erdozain@ponsip.com

by telephone – +34 91 700 76 00.


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