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Protection, transfer and exploitation of software

In R + D activity, the developed software requires a different transfer procedure. Experts from public and private R + D entities as well as researchers and managers from the business industry consider that the approach after introducing several strategies and their corresponding protection are key activity areas since they have a particular nature.

This course, which consists of different conferences, is aimed at technologists and researchers from R + D centers, people from the business industry, and professionals of R + D management and knowledge transfer. The course will take place in our Headquarters located at Rubén Darío on March 11, 2020. It will start with a welcome and a brief presentation at 09:45 and it will end at 19:45.

José Carlos Erdozain, PONS IP Of Counsel specialized in Intellectual Property, will give his module about the development of the software, development of law in coding, and related materials such as flow charts. Besides, certain aspects of the legal, registry, and judicial protection together as well as limits to exclusive right will be developed.

One of our Patent experts, Dennis Cumba, who is member of the Mechanics, Electronics, and Software Area, will explain software protection through patent, as well as addressing different aspects regarding legal frameworks and international protection issues.

Violeta Arnaiz, lawyer of our company will finish the part of the course given by PONS IP with the transmission of rights over the Software, subcontracting and labor and commercial contracting.

INNOPRAC is a PONS Business School and RedTransfer training project, which, with the PONS IP collaboration, aims to meet the training needs of R + D + I managers from different professional environments.

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