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PONS IP participates in the 6th annual Legal Awards
PONS IP participates in the 6th annual Legal Awards

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PONS IP participates in the 6th annual Legal Awards

PONS IP presents the 6th annual ‘Premios Jurídicos’ (Legal Awards) from Eventos Jurídicos at Fundación PONS. Jorge Campanillas, a lawyer specializing in ICT, opened the event together with María Jesús Magro, Manager at Fundación PONS, who stated that ‘innovation is in the DNA of SomosPONS, so for us to host this event is a real privilege’.

After the award ceremony, our General Manager, Nuria Marcos, participated in the round table discussion on the challenges of innovation and legal technology together with Laura Fauqueur, Cristina Retana and José Muelas Cerezuela.

During the debate, Nuria Marcos pointed out: ‘Innovative clients demand different solutions with different approaches that often require a different way of working. Legal technology is what takes us closer to them’, before adding: ‘We can theorize about the ethical issues that arise from the Legal technology tools that we use, but the reality is that clients today want technological solutions for their business challenges, including the legal field’.

On the other hand, Cristina Retana, Innovation Manager at WoltersKluwers, added: ‘The key to approaching a good digital transformation is to be clear about what objectives you want to achieve with the legal technology in your firm, and take small steps towards them’.

PONS IP would like to thank Jorge Campanillas Ciaurriz for the invitation. We look to seeing you next year.

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