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PONS IP places industrial property at the centre of the debate to promote Madrid’s innovative ecosystem at CEIM
PONS IP places industrial property at the centre of the debate to promote Madrid’s innovative ecosystem at CEIM

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This morning, CEIM, the Business Confederation of Madrid, brought together at its headquarters more than one hundred representatives of Madrid’s innovative ecosystem with the aim of gaining insight into the business climate in Madrid and learning about their vision of the city’s potential as a destination for startups and foreign talent. In this event, these representatives offered to the Madrid executive their experiences and proposals for improvement, aspects that they were able to directly communicate to the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida.

Along with José Luis Martínez-Almeida, other attendees included Miguel Ángel Redondo, Head of the Economy, Innovation and Employment Area, and Ángel Niño, Manager of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Portfolio, as well as Mª Ángeles Prieto, Director General of Economy, who moderated the interventions at the colloquium. This meeting, as part of the breakfasts organised by CEIM’s Investor Services, allows the CEOs and directors of multinationals established in Madrid to engage in a direct dialogue with the main representatives of the Madrid City Council.

Specifically, in today’s meeting, each of the agents in Madrid’s innovative ecosystem -academies, startups, accelerators, facilitators, capital funds, banks, consultants, multinationals and institutions- analysed the main aspects of the new Startup Law and how it influences business competitiveness and innovation.

From our field, PONS IP Commercial Director, Rocío Peris Hueso, participated as one of the spokespersons for the Consulting area, discussing the “good work” carried out in favour of building the Madrid brand as the European capital of startups.As proof of this good work, she pointed out the positive evolution of an indicator of innovative activity, such as the registration of patents from the Community of Madrid. Nevertheless, we still have room for improvement in terms of further developing instruments that facilitate the transfer of knowledge between public and private entities, as well as better understanding the innovative phenomenon that leads to a better tax treatment of R&D&I activity

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