PONS IP, a global consulting firm specialising in Industrial and Intellectual Property, has appointed Manuel Campanero Carrasco as the new PONS IP area director in Andalusia. Campanero is joining the PONS IP team in order to reinforce the consulting firm’s positioning in the Andalusia region and broaden its areas of operation.
With over 14 years of professional experience, Manuel Campanero started his career as an economist and in 2012 he became a founding partner of Gestión de Intangibles. It was with this firm that he reached the highest number of trademark filings in the province of Córdoba. He is currently a member of the Córdoba Association of Economists.
He holds a Degree in Administration and Business Management from ETEA (now Loyola University), completed his training on intangible assets, with several training courses on industrial property at the School of Industrial Organisation (EOI) and the Official Association of Industrial Property Agents (COAPI), as well as on company valuation at the University of Seville.
Rocío Peris, Business Development Director at PONS IP, gives her perspective on the arrival of Manuel Campanero at the intellectual and industrial property consulting firm. “Due to its structure, this is a very large autonomous region in terms of surface area, population and provinces. This makes it essential to bring in a profile to promote business development in this region. As a result of this, and due to the growing R&D+i activity in the region, we believe that welcoming Manuel to the team as Business Development director in this region will allow us to increase our market share, reaching more clients and consolidating current partners”, noted Peris.
Emerging hub of innovative activity in Spain
Today, Andalusia is among the three autonomous regions with the greatest number of patent and trademark applications in Spain. This confirms the region’s leading position as one of the most active in R&D+i in our country. In this regard, the SPTO 2023 data shows that this autonomous region applied for 15% of trademarks and 14.9% of patents nationally, which constitutes 7,101 registered distinctive signs and 165 patent applications.
These positive numbers in Andalusia correspond to the support provided to the creation, financing and activity of its seven Science and Technology Parks, as well as its Innovation Hubs, and the active role of nine Offices for the Transfer of Research Results (OTRI) of the public universities of Andalusia, confirming their commitment to innovation with a scientific and technical offering of over 2000 University Research Groups.