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Crue Universidades Españolas, constituted in 1994, is a non-profit association comprising a total of 76 Spanish universities: 50 public and 26 private.

From November 13th to 15th at the University of Córdoba, the XXVII Research Conferences of Spanish Universities will be taking place, organized by the CRUE R&D+i Sectoral Commission, in which PONS IP will be taking active part and contributing its expertise.

Amaya Mallea, Head of R&D+i Legal Consultancy at PONS IP, will analyze some of the problems encountered by the entities that work in R&D in collaboration with third-parties, or when patents are developed by researchers while working for different entities.

Our colleague will comment on and provide possible solutions to some of the most contentious points in these areas of collaboration such as patent ownership, results ownership and, ownership percentages.

Enlaces de interés: You can sign up through this link: http://www.uco.es/jornadascrueinvestigacion/…


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