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PONS IP, short-listed at the Managing IP EMEA Awards 2019
PONS IP, short-listed at the Managing IP EMEA Awards 2019
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PONS IP has been short-listed for the prestigious Managing IP EMEA Awards 2019, an award that recognises the work of the best Spanish intellectual property firms in the past 12 months. In particular, PONS IP is a candidate to receive the Best Patent Filing Firm Award.

This nomination is the result of an exhaustive analysis and research work of the Managing Intellectual Property team, which incorporates, in addition to market studies, interviews with clients and with other firms within the sector. In the Spanish Patent Prosecution Firm category, there are five other Spanish firms of renown prestige and track record, which, together with PONS IP, have also been short-listed.

Since 2006, the Managing IP Awards distinguish the best international Intellectual Property frims for their achievements and contribution to the development of the sector throughout the year, recognising global IP management in 25 countries in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. In its fourteenth edition, PONS IP has been nominated for the first time. 

The winners will be announced at the award ceremony on March 7th at The Savoy in London in front of an audience of more than 250 guests from all over Europe and Asia. 


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