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PONS IP, recommended trademark firm by the international rankings publication IP STARS for the fourth consecutive year
PONS IP, recommended trademark firm by the international rankings publication IP STARS for the fourth consecutive year

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PONS IP has once again been selected to appear among recommended firms in trademark processing in the prestigious IP Stars  ranking published this April. This marks the fourth consecutive year the firm is included in the ranking, an international benchmark in the intellectual property industry, which includes the leading agencies from over 70 jurisdictions.

The IP Stars ranking is published annually by the Managing Intellectual Property (MIP) magazine, which carries out detailed research to prepare this list of trusted firms by country. For this purpose, they compile information obtained both from professionals in the industry and other competing agencies, as well as from the clients themselves and the official data provided by the intellectual property offices in each country.

The aspects taken into account when choosing us as ‘recommended firm’ have been our expertise, volume of work, reputation, results obtained for our clients and main strengths in the different areas of practice.


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