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PONS IP ensures legal protection at Fruit Attraction 2019
PONS IP ensures legal protection at Fruit Attraction 2019

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Fruit attraction

Fruit Attraction, the International Trade Fair for the Fruit and Vegetable industry, returns to IFEMA on October 22nd. A meeting point for experts in the fruit and vegetable industry all over the world, where they will be able to present their products worldwide, establish commercial relationships, seek new opportunities in new markets, check industry and consumer trends and discuss and exchange knowledge regarding the latest developments in the industry.

PONS IP is participating in the fair for the second consecutive year in its dual role of exhibitor and as Against Copy service provider. This service offered by IFEMA in order to ensure exhibitors and professional visitors their intellectual and trademark rights, as well as service patents and information regarding the new data protection legislation.

Our services include overseeing compliance with regulations and corresponding approvals thereby guaranteeing that the products exhibited comply with all legal and quality requirements. A Legal service for the defense and prosecution of companies with copying practices. We draw up minutes for lawsuits and claims against companies that attack the intellectual property of other participants at the fair. And advising exhibitors on their intellectual property rights: Trademarks, patents, designs, well as useful information on the new Data Protection regulations (GDPR).

In addition, a space will be set up for participants to display samples of products which were copied during the three days of intense business dealings.

The purpose of IFEMA is to offer, through PONS IP legal guarantees to the exhibitors, and to ensure compliance at the Fruit Attraction fair with the regulations in force, both in terms of intellectual property and data protection.

Don’t hesitate to visit our booth in Hall 4,4F03D to request our services and advice!

We’re here to ensure your Intellectual property and data protection.

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