The Trademark Association of the European Communities, “ECTA”, is a non-governmental association that brings together more than 1,400 members from all the Member States of the European Union with associated members from all over the world. ECTA offers an ideal forum for exchanging and sharing knowledge.
Our colleague Patricia García Köthenbürger, from the International Legal Affairs Department at PONS IP is attending in its 38th edition, which this year takes place in Edinburgh, between June 26th and 29th 2019, that brings together lawyers from private practices, corporations, judges, academics and various other IP-related professionals, who wish to expand their knowledge in the field.
Our main objectives in ECTA are attending forums on ongoing developments and future trends in Intellectual Property matters, as well as strengthening the collaboration with our network of associates, in order to contribute to the development of international business and continue to offer our clients an excellent defense and protection worldwide.