PONS IP has appointed Joseba Villate as the Basque Country Office new director. Joseba Villate joins PONS IP, adding value for our clients in the north through strategic advice on intellectual property and R+D+i, and continuing the business development strategy based on the ‘360º vision’ to promote our growth in one of the main innovation poles in our country.
Possessing an advanced degree in engineering from Escuela de Ingenieros de Bilbao and an Executive MBA from the IESE, Joseba has more than 15 years of experience. He began his professional career in 2003 as an engineer specializing in Advanced Analysis and Design at IDOM, an international engineering company based in Bilbao, working on international innovation projects for different industries.
He later obtained an ETORTEK grant from the Basque Government for research in the automotive industry, with stays at the University of Ohio (USA), the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany) and Tecnalia (Basque Country). In 2008, his specialization in R+D+i research and management for technology-based companies and start-ups came into the spotlight, reaching the General Management for Spain and Portugal position in 2012 on the French innovation funding consultancy GAC Group.
Due to his professional trajectory specialized in R+D+i consulting, strategic advice, business plan elaboration and monitoring for technology-based companies, innovation financing, and local, state and European innovation systems, as well as due to his customer orientation, the incorporation of Joseba constitutes a differential added value for all our customers in the north.