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PONS IP, ‘Trademark Prosecution Firm of the Year» at Managing IP 2020 Awards
PONS IP, 'Trademark Prosecution Firm of the Year" at Managing IP 2020 Awards

PONS IP has been awarded the ‘Firm of the Year 2020’ Award in the category Trade Mark Prosecution during the 16th Virtual Gala of the Managing IP 2020 Awards (MIP) for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), held by the international benchmark magazine Managing Intellectual Property.

This award acknowledges the work we have been performing with your support in the Intellectual Property field since 1996. It has consolidated us as one of the top trademark applicants at a national level and leader in Spanish trademark applications in the European Union today. More than 10,000 national and international trademarks, more than 10,000 different projects make up the history that PONS IP, you, many other clients, and colleagues have built together over the years.

That is why we, at PONS IP and especially at the Trademarks team, would like to share this award and our joy with you. Today more than ever, despite the distance, we are grateful to be able to celebrate together. THANK YOU!

Producido por: PONS IP

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